
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2018

Paint my Garden Purple

by Vicky Barney Unintentionally, my garden is a sea of purple flowers.   The flowers are blooming on a few natives and a non-native, all in shades of purple and all in bloom at the same time.   Before now, I would have thought that a garden of only purple flowers would be rather boring, but it is quite striking. The wildflowers in bloom are Showy Daisy ( Erigeron speciosus ) and Rocky Mountain Penstemon ( Penstemon strictus ).   A few Harebells ( Campanula rotundifolia ) are scattered about as well.   The non-native plant is the Clustered Bellflower ( Campanula glomerata ).   The last was a surprise; its roots were intermingled with clumps of daylilies from a friend’s garden.   All are perennials, all have been spreading for the past few years, and each complements the others in appearance. Showy Daisy, also called Showy Fleabane or Aspen Daisy, grows from 1 to 3 feet tall and produces 1-10 small flowers that perch on top of each stem.   With yellow ce...

Planting that Birthday Tree

by Kurt M. Jones Chaffee County Extension Director Sitting here on my back porch, looking past the potted rosemary and basil, I can see my son’s birthday tree in the back corner.  Grandpa and Grandma bought us a birthday tree in celebration of our son’s first birthday.  With an extension agent son-in-law, I’d better have planted it correctly! Planting a tree correctly actually starts with tree selection.  We purchased a Colorado Blue Spruce for a couple of reasons.  First was because of our son’s being enamored with our tree during the holidays last December.  Second, this tree fit into our landscape plans well.  Finally, it is one of Dad’s favorites.  I almost forgot, be sure to call for utility locates a minimum of 3 business days prior to digging.  It is a free service, and it is the law!  Simply call 811 to begin the process. After looking at the available trees in the nursery, I chose one that had a couple of features that I was interest...

Why some weeds are slated for eradication

by Irene Shonle CSU Extension Gilpin County Why are there some weeds, such as List A noxious weeds myrtle spurge, orange hawkweed, and others, required by state law to be eradicated?   The answer is long and complicated. First, we must start with what makes a weed a noxious weed – it is a plant that is alien (not from this country) that has been shown to cause problems in natural or agricultural settings. To be declared noxious, they have to be proven bad actors, and only after scientists have reviewed the data, and it has passed through a legislative process. It is not just “someone’s” opinion.   Because these weeds are not from here, they do not deal with the same suite of insects and diseases that our native plants have to deal with, so they have a competitive advantage. They usually have a nasty tendency to form monocultures and crowd out native plants. This is certainly the case with myrtle spurge (and most other noxious weeds); if it is left alone, it will take over lar...


Pohon aren atau enau tumbuh di lereng-lereng pegunungan. Sedangkan pohon rumbia tumbuh di dataran rendah yang banyak airnya. Pohon yang memiliki batang mirip pohon kelapa ini batangnya mengandung empulur yang bisa menghasilkan tepung yang bisa mengenyangkan perut seperti nasi. Pohon Aren Aren yang memiliki nama ilmiah Arenga pinnata ini termasuk tanaman serbaguna. Daun dan ijuknya bisa digunakan sebagai atap rumah. Buahnya menghasilkan kolang-kaling. Tandan buahnya bisa disadap niranya untuk diolah menjadi gula merah. Kulit batangnya yang keras biasa digunakan untuk bangunan rumah. Sedangkan empulur di dalam batang aren bisa menghasilkan tepung. Tepung aren bisa diolah menjadi bubur, mi, kerupuk, kue-kue, dan bakso.  Tepung aren menghasilkan adonan yang kenyal. Petani sering mengolah tepung aren menjadi penganan atau mi yang bisa mengenyangkan perut. Untuk membuat tepung aren, batang pohon aren ditebang dan dipotong-potong. Potongan batang aren dibelah dan diambil empulurnya. Empul...

Yikes! My garden grew too big! What to do?

by Nan Porter Yard with flowers and rocks I started my garden many years ago when there was a 20 to 30 minute rain practically every afternoon.   I would expand every summer with more wildflowers and perennials.   The garden grew and grew and grew.   Then the rains stopped and I had to water by hand since we are in the country on a well. The ground around my flowers is rock hard since I only watered the plants individually.   That took about 2-3 hours every other day. I weeded, and weeded and weeded. Oh, and I got a horse that I wanted to ride.   Hmm, should I pull weeds or go ride my horse? I had to figure out what to do.   I didn’t want to kill my sparse flowers that were significantly getting even sparser the drier the climate got.   I had used river rocks for borders.   I love rocks, collected them on walks, vacations, even got a ton for a Mother’s Day present a few years ago!   River rock and flagstone The answer to my dilemma: ROCKS! ...

Weed ID and Control Class in Gilpin County



Tanah merupakan faktor penting dalam budidaya pertanian . Selain sebagai media tanam, tanah juga berfungsi untuk menyediakan unsur-unsur hara pendukung pertumbuhan tanaman. Karena itu untuk mendukung keberhasilan usahatani penting kita ketahui kondisi tanah, apakah terlalu asam, netral atau basa. Kondisi tanah yang ideal untuk budidaya adalah pada pH netral (6-7). pH memiliki ukuran dari 0-14, tanah dengan pH 0-7 masuk dalam kategori asam sedangkan tanah dengan pH 7-14 masuk dalam kategori basa. Tanah netral memiliki pH 7. Tanah dengan pH yang rendah ataupun tinggi akan mempersulit tanaman dalam menyerap unsur hara. Yang artinya tanaman mampu menyerap unsur hara secara optimal pada pH netral. Banyak sekali yang menyebabkan pH tanah menjadi rendah, yaitu : Curah hujan yang tinggi mengakibatkan tercucinya unsur hara pada tanah, kemudian berimplikasi pada terbentuknya tanah asam, Adanya unsur Al (alumunium), Cu (tembaga), dan Fe (besi) yang berlebihan, Lahan yang tergenang air secara teru...