
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2018

Why do we Garden?

Nature's garden For this blog post, I would like to consider the big picture of why we are drawn to gardening.   Taoist created gardens to improve human health, and i n Mesopotamia  the land was used as it was found, with hillsides, depressions, streams, paths and canals incorporated into the garden's plan .   A 17 th century guide advises readers to ‘spare time in the garden…. there is no better way to preserve your health’.   Since the beginning of time, nature has been used for its restorative value.   Many contemporary studies show the direct positive impact nature has on humans.  It has been proven many times that nature  not only makes you feel better emotionally, it contributes to your physical well-being (reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones).  In one study, patients in a hospital healed faster on the side that had a view to a natural space.  Findi...

Leguminosa, Sumber Pupuk Nitrogen

Hasil panen dan kualitas produk yang tinggi merupakan dambaan semua petani. Untuk mencapai 'gol' tersebut acapkali kita menerapkan cara-cara yang “tidak sesuai” dengan yang dibutuhkan oleh alam. Contohnya adalah pemupukan dengan menggunakan bahan kimia sintetis yang melebihi dosis anjuran. Penggunaan pestisida tanpa memikirkan dampak lingkungan kedepan yang akan dihadapi. Apl ikias i  herbisida yang mengganggu vegetasi habitat organisme tanah, serta budidaya satu jenis famili tanaman yang sama sepanjang tahun serta kultivasi atau pengolahan lahan dengan menggunakan alat berat yang merusak habitat organisme baik yang hidup disuatu lahan pertanian.  Beragam aktifitas kultifasi tersebut mengakibatkan berkurangnya kualitas kesuburan tanah. Akibatnya adalah  terjad i  ledakan populasi hama dan penyakit karena berkurangnya kemampuan kompetisi organisme baik dan berubahnya kondisi fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah. Kemampuan Leguminosa Dalam Mengikat Nitrogen Diudara Jenis t...

My Experience Counting Bees – Become a Citizen Scientist

by Jay Johnson If you are an active gardener who loves growing all kinds of produce, or if you love to grow flowers and want to help support a national project as a citizen scientist and learn about the kind of native bees, bumblebees and other pollinators that may visit your garden, then you may find the following fun, useful and interesting. Or, if you are interested in science and the plight of bees and are thinking about starting a garden, I recommend you investigate a project I recently joined. Bee's eye view My journey started this year on one of my regular visits to the library, visits that include reading Horticulture . I live in Meeker, Colorado and am fortunate enough that they carry the magazine. In the March/April 2018 issue of Horticulture , the cover caught my eye: a picture of 2 sunflowers and the caption, “Be a Citizen Scientist in The Great Sunflower Project”. Intrigued, I checked out the magazine. The Great Sunflower Project (GSP) was started by researcher Dr. Gre...

Beautiful Zinnias

by Vicky Barney For several years, I’ve been working on an easy to maintain garden that attracts wildlife.  Native perennial plants with low water needs have been carefully selected and have replaced non-natives that need more water or don’t appeal to pollinators.  I’ve kept a few favorite non-native plants, like my annual zinnias. The zinnia is a member of the Asteraceae family and is a popular garden plant in much of the world.   Most varieties are native to Mexico and surrounding areas, mainly in North America.  They are easy to grow, bloom in a variety of bright colors, and, even though they are not native, provide nectar to adult butterflies including painted ladies and swallowtails.  (See CSU Extension Fact Sheet #5.504 Attracting Butterflies to the Garden .) There is a perennial zinnia native to Colorado called the Golden paperflower or Plains zinnia ( Zinnia grandiflora ). It grows up to 8 inches tall in a clump, with long lasting golden flowers, a...


Buah Strawberry sudah terkenal dimana-mana, bentuknya yang unik dengan rasanya yang manis segar menjadi keunngulan tersendiri bagi si buah berwarna merah ini. buah ini biasanya dapat dikonsumsi secara langsung jika sudah matang. Selain itu, buah stawberry juga sering diolah menjadi sirup, Selai, Jus,ataupun compote strawberry. Tanaman buah Strawberry sendiri merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman buah berupa herba yg ditemukan pertama kali di Chili, Amerika. Salah satu spesies tanaman Strawberry yaitu Fragaria chiloensis L menyebar ke berbagai negara Amerika, Eropa & Asia. Selanjutnya spesies lain, yaitu F. vesca L. lebih menyebar luas dibandingkan spesies lainnya. Jenis strawberry ini pula yg pertama kali masuk ke Indonesia.  A. SYARAT PERTUMBUHAN BUAH STRAWBERRY 1. Iklim Tanaman Strawberry dapat tumbuh degan optimal di daerah degan curah hujan antara 600-700 mm/tahun. Tanamn strawberry membutuhkan penyinaran cahaya matahari antara 8–10 jam setiap harinya. Strawberry adalah tana...


TIPS PANDUAN MENANAM SALAK 1. Syarat Tumbuh Tanaman salak merupakan tanaman asli hutan Indonesia, tanaman salak ini dapat ditemukan di daerah dataran rendah dengan ketinggian sekitar 50 meter hingga 800 meter diatas permukaan laut. Tanaman salak baik ditanam pada lahan yang memiliki derajat keasaman atau pH tanah sekitar 4-7,5, memiliki curah hujan sekitar 200-400 mm/bulan, memiliki kelembaban sekitar 80%-90%, serta memiliki suhu sekitar 20°C-30°C. 2. Pembibitan  Pembibitan salak dapat dilakukan dengan cara generatif melalui biji dan dengan cara vegetatif melalui pencangkokan. a. Pembibitan melalui Biji Biji yang berasal dari tanaman unggul dan buah yang telah tua.kemudian biji tersebut disemai pada bedengan, ember atau kantong plastik lalu diletakkan pada tempat yang teduh. Lakukan penyiraman secara rutin agar kelambapan media semai terjaga. Setelah berumur sekitar 1 bulan biji mulai mengeluarkan akar dan akan bertunas. Setelah berumur 3-4 bulan bibit dapat dipindah tanamkan ke la...

Gilpin County Food Bank Garden

by Sandy Hollingsworth Sometimes one’s love for gardening blossoms into a way to contribute to your local community. In Gilpin County there is a food bank for those living food insecure. It was started in 1995 by county Human Services and need has grown more rapidly in the past four years to now serve an average of 70 families a week. There is also a weekly summer lunch program for children, averaging 50 monthly, to come and select food from items displayed in a welcoming way. Like many food pantries fresh produce is lacking among the donated foods. To help address this need, a group of volunteers decided to install new beds at the nearby CSU Extension community garden located at 9200 foot elevation, to plant, tend and harvest produce each week. An experienced gardener already volunteering for the Food Bank recruited a Colorado Master Gardener and three waterers who set up a schedule to insure the gardens were nurtured throughout the growing season. In May we started by constructing tw...