
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2018

The Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Conference

By Irene Shonle, CSU Extension in Gilpin County Native plants are some of the easiest plants to grow if you are a mountain gardener.  As I have been gardening up here for nearly twenty years, I have experimented with a lot of plants.  Some have done great, and some have died.  But, as I always say, “if you’re not killing plants, you’re not trying hard enough.” Because I am a rather Darwinian gardener, I don’t coddle the plants in my garden. They have to make it despite drought, critters, winds, and long winters.  As a result, many of the non-native species have been weeded out.  Over the years, I have ended up with going from about 25% native to probably about 80% native.  And I couldn’t be happier. If you are interested in native plants, please come to the 4th Annual Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Conference on February 16th at the Auraria Campus in Denver. The Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Conference promotes the inclusion of native pla...

Simple Composting

by Yvette Henson I love compost!   There is nothing that I can think of that is more beneficial for soil.   And, we all know that the secret to great gardens is the soil.   While it is more difficult to compost in the mountains, it can be done.   The most common frustrations are that it breaks down more slowly in our cooler summers and it often attracts critters like bears and skunks!   However, once you have successfully made your own compost, added it to your soil and seen your plants response you will know it is worth the extra management to speed up the composting process.   If you still find it too problematic outdoors, you can build a worm-bin or some other indoor composting system. Or once you are a “true believer”, like me, you will do both! A 3-bin composting system Compost has many benefits.   It increases water-holding capacity of sandy soils and improves drainage of heavy (clay) soils.   It also decreases the amount of shrink-swell of ...

Mountain Vegetable Gardening

By Ginger Baer Every well-seasoned gardener knows that each new year is different from the last.  From variations in temperatures, to variations in moisture, wind, pests, to the variety of plants one can potentially grow.   For the non-season ed gardener, take heart!   Every year has a new challenge, but isn’t it the challenge that keeps many of us going? Troughs used in Community Garden I grow at 9000’ in the Gilpin County Community Garden. As if the altitude alone is not enough of a challenge, in the growing year 2017 we had the added challenge of combating a large influx of Golden Mantled Ground Squirrels and a multitude of pocket gophers. In an effort to improve our plots in the community garden, the CSU Extension office in Gilpin County purchased some metal water troughs. These created a barrier the critters could not dig into, nor climb. And the troughs, measuring 10’ x 3’ x 2’, gave our seniors raised beds in which to garden.  Something that my knees appr...

Menanam Terong Belanda Yang Benar dan Berhasil

Terung belanda akhir akhir ini tenar di kalangan petani indonesia. Banyak yang beralih dari menanam cabe ke terung belanda ini. Karena terong belanda mempunyai harga jual yang tinggi di banding cabai atau pun tomat. silahkan baca :  Tips Sukses Memerangi Hama dan Virus Tanaman Terong Belanda Menanam Terong Belanda Yang Benar dan Berhasil Untuk menanam terung belanda bisa di bilang gampang-gampang susah. Dalam proses penanaman anda harus mengetahui berbagai macam teknik penaman, bibit yang baik, dan lainya. Namun tenang saja, kami akan memandu anda bagaimana cara menanam terong belanda dengan benar. Ikuti step by step pembahasan yang akan kami jabarkan di bagian selanjutnya. Artikel lainnya CARA MUDAH MEMBUNUH POHON TANPA HARUS MENEBANG KEUNTUNGAN DAN KERUGIAN MENCANGKOK TANAMAN DAUN KARET KEBO UNTUK PENGOBATAN STROKE ALAMI Penyakit Rabun,Katarak,Minus Dan Plus Sembuh Dengan Kitolod Kriteria Penanaman Terong Belanda Di usahakan menanam terong belanda di dataran yang mempunyai ketin...

Tips Sukses Memerangi Hama dan Virus Tanaman Terong Belanda

Wajah Japantas Damanik, riang bukan kepalang. Itu karena ia mampu memanen terong Belanda yang ditanamnya di atas lahan seluas 15 rante. Kegembiraan terpancar ketika petani lain harus pasrah membiarkan tanamannya rusak, seperti terong Belanda, jeruk atau cabai terserang penyakit layu bakteri, busuk akar, tanaman kerdil tak menghasilkan. Dalam kondisi ini Japantas mampu mengatasinya. Ketika Analisa menyambanginya di kebunnya, Desa Dolok Tolong Kecamatan Tanjung Beringin, Kabupaten Dairi beberapa waktu lalu, pria yang lebih suka disebut sebagai pengamat hama penyakit tanaman ini, justru memanfaatkan tantangan ini sebagai peluang. Ketika buah-buah tertentu terserang virus dan hama penyakit, justru Japantas Damanik meneliti dan mencari akan masalahnya. Jika penyakit tanaman tersebut dapat diatasi, itu artinya upaya Japantas layak dibayar mahal, karena sesuai hukum permintaan ekonomi, bila barang sedikit, maka harga otomatis menjadi mahal. Artikel lainnya CARA MUDAH MEMBUNUH POHON TANPA HAR...

What Are Rutabagas?

Creamy mashed Rutabaga like my family makes by Ed Powers ‘What are rutabagas?’ was the question I asked myself when introduced to this vegetable by my wife and in-laws.  They had a tradition of having rutabagas for Thanksgiving and Christmas meals, a tradition brought over from England and Canada.  I must admit, I found rutabagas to be very good and we now have them every Holiday Season. It’s like having mashed potatoes, but they are rutabagas.  In Michigan, where we lived, rutabagas were easy to find (grown in Canada and shipped in).  Here in Colorado, not so much.  So, I had to do some research to see if I might be able to grow them at my altitude (7,600’).  When doing the research, I found some interesting information. Rutabaga’s botanical name is Brassica napobrassica, and rutabagas are only called ‘rutabaga’ in the U.S. Throughout the rest of the world, they're known as swedes. This ordinary root vegetable is thought to have originated i...